Thursday, May 18, 2006

Glimpses of Legality

Tainted Glimpses and Keeper's Quest recently moved out of playtesting into Custom set proper and that has got a few people a bit miffed about the status of everything else (as usual). It's going to get even crazier defining what's "gEngine tournament legal" in the future with more sets so here's the start of something simpler.

"Custom legal"

Here's the proposal for something called "custom legal". What is "custom legal"? Custom Legal will be the list of legal cards for online tournaments on CCGW's gEngine. So instead of defining the expansions and the cards that are legal for each tournament, all anyone has to define is "custom legal" and it would automatically imply the list of cards below.

Custom Legal cards as of May 2006:
All printed English cards excluding Power of the Creators and Tony at a Con. (i.e. all black cards on gEngine)
All spoilt Traitor's Reach cards, including promos. (i.e. all purple cards on gEngine)
Custom sets Elder's Legacy and Tainted Glimpses. (blue cards on gEngine)
Custom promo sets Shadowsfall Promo and Keeper's Quest Promo. (blue cards on gEngine)
All Japanese promo cards. (i.e. all green cards on gEngine)
Custom promo cards - Glimpses, Dion, Elder's Legacy, Ploomb. (blue cards on gEngine)

Cards that are not Custom Legal as of May 2006:
Power of the Creators and Tony at a Con (red background on gEngine)
Double Jeopardy (custom promo) cards (red background on gEngine)
All cards in playtest (grey cards on gEngine)

This list will reside on the CCGW MND forums and will be updated if there is any further changes.

Note that the Novelty Tainted Glimpses Tournament uses Custom Legal cards.



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