Thursday, May 04, 2006

Desert Underground Unsafe

Today was game two of the tournament for me. Pass me some sugar to held the medicine go down. *smiles*

I don't think I've ever played Cliff_Burton before. They went first with Harresh and a her wonderful bit of card draw. My guess was that I needed to take her out quickly or risk suffering a terrible defeat. A quick defeat of Harresh was not to be. With Bottled City, Harresh stole one of my Crystal Lascinth. Not a terrible loss for me. Still, it could be a problem. With a full count of crystal creatures by Ulmi, I thought to hold Harresh off a bit. However, Dessicate took out my biggest creature and rendered my use of Crystal Arboll on my previous turn useless. After the subsequent attacks, Ulmi was on the ropes. She would hold out for a few turns, but Harresh definitely had the offensive at this point. Fossik tossed down fast and furious. He crushed one creature and cursed another. Combined with Bottomless Pit, he only had enough energy for a single Akkar. Although Dreamcatcher would steal some energy for the cursed d'Resh creature, I was banking on the Akkar for its invulnerability and energy gains for the Ringsmith's chance to make a comeback against the next d'Resh magi. When Harresh spent her last energy to draw cards, it made it so that an attacking Akkar would take her out her only creature and defeat Harresh. I tossed down Gogor's Spade and Strag's Claws first. One for card draw, and the other for some energy gains for the Akkar. Dey wouldn't let the Ringsmith think of a uphill battle. Warrior's Boots and Unmake opened Fossik wide up for a Warrior Olum to take him out. With several other d'Resh creatures fielded, Celebrated Hero gambled everything he had. With Crushing Fungus to keep Dey tight on energy for the next turn, Gogor spent all the rest of his energy on creatures. This time, it would an Urigant providing some invulnerability. I knew that Dey couldn't get all of Gogor's creatures just in attacks. What got me though was an Uban. Dey made just the attacks needed so that though the Urigant was the Hero's only surviving creature, it was just beaten enough for the Uban to burn. With Dey's only two energy, one Uban finished off the game. Ouch! I am not sure if Celebrated Hero could've come from behind, but that's a moot point now. Great game by Cliff Burton. I loved to see a deck do so well without all the mad energy gains that the xyx deck usually employs.



At May 04, 2006 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi all
nice to see a log of my previous duel with dartax...
cliff burton is my atual acount
i was havok or havok-br or punksnotdead or tuimqmc
i think we played some time ago...
i need to thanks for a friend called JP for the coments on my deck...
sry for my ugly english...
im only a crazy

Eduardo Fagundes(aka Cliff Burton)


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