Friday, March 04, 2005

Old Europe... meet new MND!

The sign-ups for the tournament is still going on and there seems to be a frenzy of deckbuilding (not to mention boasting) in the gEngine MND chatroom. It's interesting though, but I think I'm going to take a backseat and be a fly on the wall. I'm already feeling ragged by the number of questions that people have been directing at me.

Slumber has been getting quite a few more entries. All I will say at this point is that some people really need to edit their text to make their cards written in the MND-way. As I told Mitch months back... get a card which is similar to what you want to do, copy the style of the text and change whatever you need to change. That's how he won last month's comp, good ideas + good MND-style text. My judging style isn't going to change this month, so anyone who's reading this who already has an entry, think about what I said above. If you don't already have an entry... please do consider what I said above.

Now, I just recently found out from a major CCG publishing company that they limit the number of lines of text per card. Well, something that has gone into my card design notebook. Don't make cards too verbose, this isn't fan fiction, articles or tournament report, it's card making and the text has to be concise and precise. That's a tall order.

The title of this blog though, is a reference to the fact that now that the European players have gotten more interested in the tournaments and everything that's happening, they are playing with more of the custom cards as well. That's a good thing, IMO. (Yes, Mitch, it's not IMHO according to certain people.)

And I've gotten carried away again! Way too much text. I've also got to enable anonymous comments for this blog... one of these days...



At March 04, 2005 3:14 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Heh that's not a veiled comment that every one of the Slumber cards so far are bad, is it? :)

At March 04, 2005 10:58 PM, Blogger Novelty said...

LOL, well, close to it anyways...


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