Friday, November 24, 2006

Bane Of All High King Korg

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With the news that Double Jeopardy is now available on gEngine for playtesting, I dropped online to see what was happening for Magi-Nation and start building the one or two new decks for playtesting. Freigabe logged in and asked if anyone wanted to play. I checked with my wife first, she wants to go to the store for a wreath later, and then I was ready to play. Freigabe went first with Eryss. The first thing that went through my mind was that I didn't know if my Naroom deck could handle Bograth. Eryss would play out her whole hand, her four starting creatures plus a Jile. Tiller would go first. You may have noticed that a lot of my Naroom test decks for Twilight War start off with Tiller. Well, they are test decks, so I want them to be as good as I can think to make them to see what sort of negative or positive feedback can be generated. Anyways, Tiller would start with Vortex of Knowledge. After sacrificing the Weeblit to Scrounge, Tiller finally had two creatures in hand. Playing both the Weebo he started with and the Lumber Hyren, he played Crushing Roots on the Jile and Tap Roots for what was left of the Fog Hyren. With the Lumber Hyren and Weebo both using their powers, he was doing good despite the lack of creatures in my hand. Eryss would fold to Tiller and Golthub would make a strong showing. Two Swamp Hyren, a N'kala, Moob, Gremble, Glablit, and Double Jeopardy later, things were looking bad for Naroom. Tiller did what he could and even played a Flood of Energy so he could squeeze out a Giant Carillion with a Warrior's Boots. The series of attacks left him spent but did take that initial swarm down to more managable levels. Next it would be up to Keelie to battle Golthub. She tossed down two Wasperines to create a more creature friendly environment for herself. Giant Carillion, Weebo, and Stagadan rounded out her creatures. Giant Carillion stomped a Mist Hyren in play and then Keelie sacrificed the Weebo by using its power. Orwin's Ring rounded off her turn and ensured that Golthub would not get her in a single shot of creature attacks. In the end, Keelie would be defeated by Golthub's power of Mire while she had no energy left. Now it would be last Magi versus last Magi with Woot going first for me. He got his starting Wasperine and Wasperine Stalker but only played an Alpine Xamf. With Warrior's Boots in hand, I figured it best to wait and see. All High King Korg would make the final stand for Bograth. He played out his starting Pyder as well as two Muck Vinoc and a Gwaeg. Quietly, I had been saying to myself, not the Pyder unless an N'kala and Glablit setup for the Double Jeopardy spell. Because of the Pyder, All High King Korg would end his turn with only one energy. While it would only take one Wasperine Stalker, I played both I had in hand plus a Wasperine just in case. This defeated Korg, which is the screenshot you see in this blog. For those of you that have been tracking things, this was another of my Naroom test decks for Twilight War.



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