Orothe, Weave and Universal eXodus
Well, there's quite a lot of sketches for these 3 regions, but nothing substantial other than these 5 images. As the RPers are fond to remind me, they are writers, not artists (although I'm sure FlameRaven will disagree with them on that).
Orothe only has one coloured image and it's by Angetiger (Cody Shipman). It's a giant prawn with claws. Hmm... OK... I guess that's passable.
The other 2 are by Blitz (Jeffry Ransom), which is rather well done considering that they were done with colour pencils and markers. They lack a background though, so I got two from some of Holmberg's Calendars:
The universal card is a Whyrl image and althoguh Whyrl named the piece "The Gathering", they have used the art for the set's namesake "Exodus":
A very mixed bag. I think the giant prawn and one of the Weave creatures will probably make it into Exodus Flight. The other Weave creature might have a chance if I get the time to do some clean-up on it.
Labels: custom card making
You mean you understand the RP rules? Wow, I didn't realise you were even playing in the Insiider RP.
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