Saturday, October 22, 2005

Taking My Lumps

I got in a second game for the October tournament. This time I played joethemexican. Ahdar tossed down a fairly good opening, but Magam Flamesmith tore into and began fueling Cald with the goggles and the soft card draw from burning me into oblivion. And, thus it went. Magam destroyed Ahdar. Kesia was helpless against Crushing Heat. Only Bo'Ahsa stood a small chance. With a good starting energy, she tossed down a couple Seaweed Lascinth and other distractions. Something was hopefully going to survive. All it took was Weave Seed on a single Seaweed Lascinth and Magam finally went down in defeat. After this, I could only hope that perhaps Bo'Ahsa might get a turn or two to try and turn the battle back around. Barak the Red didn't even flinch. He just chuckled, tossed out a swarm of critters, and burned her to a crisp on the spot. I know this isn't quite the little coverage I've given of my games, but this game really didn't offer much to write about. Magam Flamesmith can be really impressive. I knew this before from my own experiences with Cald destroying my Naroom opponents....

Still, it can hurt to lose like that. This was almost a one way battle. You can feel so inadequate when you lose a battle without even putting in the good fight. Sure, I had a moment, but only a brief one. I don't know if I could have done anything different... even my open version of Weave has never faced the raw energy advantage that Magam Flamesmith offers with her two effects. I begin to wonder if even my open Weave could handle that. I doubt it. Should I consider building a new Junjertrug deck? Maybe, but Weave is only one of the regions I play.

I will still stick with this deck. I made that personal choice. I will live with it.

Well, time for me to get some sleep.


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