Monday, June 05, 2006

Jungle Growth In The Tunnels

I took an hour break from work today to play Cliff_Burton as a part of the Summer League. My little son, Dillon, was playing with his daddy. So I didn't take any notes on the game until my wife liberated my lap. It also meant that I speant some of the time during the game trying to keep little fingers away from the keyboard. If he could've, I am sure he would've pushed any key he could and pulled the keyboard toward us. Fortunately, the keyboard is certainly too heavy for him to pickup yet and put in his mouth. Still, he stayed happy for the most part just being in his dad's arms.

I believe I went first, starting off with Romura and using Hidden Door to get a copy each of Strag's Claws and Digging Goggles. With Strag's Ring already in my hand, I played a Trogovo and used purity to burrow it. When Arawan tossed down a Fog Hyren, I recall thinking things like, "Use dreamwarp," and, "Don't use its power." Why? Because I had Crushing Fungus in my hand. Yes. On my next turn, I crushed the four energy Fog Hyren and then placed out Digging Goggles to attack an undefended Arawan. While this didn't defeat Arawan, it would fortell his doom. He had two energy to spare, so he searched again on his next turn. While defeating Arawan quick before he can really setup another magi is almost always a good choice. It was still too late. Ookami tossed down big. Inyx, several small creatures, K'teeb, and Mushroom Hyren used up all his energy. Fortunately, a copy of the Robe of Petals made this a little easier to pull off. K'teeb dreamcrossed the Inyx and it was a mad rush of energy for Ookami's creatures. Using the Mushroom Hyren to undream the Inyx, Ookami now had some energy with which to Shockwave my Trogovo. So much for a plan to use burrow and the claws to try and crack that massive energy barrier. I chose then to use all of Romura's energy on my next turn. Gorgle's Curse reduced the Mushroom Hyren to one, and Crushing Fungus took it out. I figured that key to the bounce had to go first. I think I spent the last of Romura's energy on Attekia's Gift with a Crystal Arboll. Or, was it Impact? Anyways, I did it both ways during the game. Emaal didn't last long. Rayje's Belt popped out and locked down burrow on a Granas. So, it was curtains for Emaal rather quickly. On her second turn, I had Emaal use up all her energy, playing two Crystal Arboll and the power of one on the other to give her a decent creature to block with. I was trying to get what I could along the way. Celebrated Hero also made a short appearance, basically, I played out my turn and declared "gg." There was only one Paradwyn creature left at the end of my turn. So, I was pleased in general, but without Strag's Ring to burrow it, I couldn't stop it from attacking and wiping me out. A technique I've used often enough to stall an opponent and even drawn victory from the jaws of defeat. This is why Urigant is a key part of my deck. Oh well, it was a "good game." To make such a comeback against such incredible odds really isn't that bad. I did get a chuckle from a comment from Cliff_Burton when I sacrificed Romura. They foresaw an Ormagon coming. I replied that they didn't know me very well then. Romura had had plenty of energy to toss down an Ormagon herself if I remember correctly. It probably wouldn't have the best choice if I had. However, there have been no Ormagons in my Underneath decks for years now. I try to do without them.

On the other hand, I was wishing I had my Ookami deck instead. Why? Because I use Equilibrate in my Ookami deck. However, none of my Ookami decks currently have any Tainted Glimpses magi in them, so none of them qualify for the Summer League anyways. For now, I plan to keep it that way too. I never did play with these Tainted Glimpses decks I had built very much. A couple tests here and there is all.



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