Monday, October 08, 2007

Kybar's vs Core vs Bograth

It has been some time since I last played a game of Magi-Nation. Now, I was hoping in the meantime that I wouldn't have to personally test the Naroom cards from Exodus Flight. Maybe they've been played and tested. However, there has been no such posts on Novelty's Custom Card forums, so I haven't been able to read about it. While I am not looking for feedback on each and every card, I am hoping to find out if a few of them work and what others might think of them in actual play. I started drafting a couple decks last night to give a few of the cards a spin when I had the opportunity to play Soulara and Frosty Ninja. When I saw them chatting online, I didn't know who Soulara was. So when Soulara described having a super Tony deck, it took a hint that they were the same person I had played against back then. I guess they forgot their original account's password.

Anyways, we would start a three-way game last night with Soulara going first. They flipped over Amara, played Inhibitor Band and drew their cards. Frosty Ninja went second with Evil Evu, a Dark Furok, and a Chaos Plith. With a great setup to draw cards, it would be a tough rumble between Evil Evu and Eryss for a few turns. Yes, I decided to go with one of my older Bograth decks for this game. Eryss was able to compliment her early card draw with Great Throne Mushrooms. Eryss would be the first Magi defeated. With Evil Evu taking down Eryss, Amara was left untouched to simply draw cards and gain energy. Olabra would flip as my second Magi, and she went nuts. Crushing Stench placed out a Swamp Hyren and the insanity would begin, including a couple Jile and one Torpar. I don't think I captured any screenshots of that first turn by Olabra. However, you can see here when Olabra took down Evil Evu.

While a healthily growing Torpar would take a few hits on Amara, Frosty Ninja got the final blow on the Kybar's Magi. With Spirit of the Teeth setting things up, we would face a nearly invulnerable Kyg'n Impervious. By the time all the spells and effects stacked up, you would've had to hit for more than seven energy to make the Magi even feel it. With two Pygmy Balamants, it looked like attacks would be far from effective here. As it was, I managed to crush the Floral Weebo and put out my one copy of Poison Baloo Root. I was on my second time through my deck. I totally forgot that I had Vard Stampede in my deck, or Kyg'n might not have been so impervious that first round of strikes.

Now Fiend of Furoks was really quite powerful. Having played two Wudge, then using her effect combined with some Baby Furoks and annoying Firds, she was really making a stand. The only thing that saved Olabra from the worst of it was attaching a Tar Hyren to one of the Wudge. Unable to attack, and gaining energy from all the Bograth and Core Creatures being played, that Wudge wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. A Muck Vinoc finally got the other Wudge and allowed Olabra to escape the pressure. And once Olabra escaped the Wudge assault, Olabra began to rebuild her steam. Of course, a few Rabid Wasperines allowed the Fiend of Furoks to finish off a few important pieces to the Bograth swarm. With another Great Throne Mushroom in play, Olabra was netting plenty of replacement cards. In the end, Olabra would take down Kyg'n and Fiend of Furoks. Frosty Ninja essentially sacrificed Jalex with a couple Warrior's Boots and Shadow Bones. While Jalex survived with creatures in play, Olabra was quite out of hand and fairly easily finished Jalex off with the final blow coming from a Muck Vinoc to prevent any Spirit of Rayje from being used should they be there. Ullig would take a hefty blow being left creatureless right after she appeared. Olabra just couldn't swing the final blow on the same turn as finishing off Jalex. I tried my math this way and that and just couldn't find that one more energy. Without creatures and short on energy even though another Spirit spell had prevented Ullig from taking critical damage, Ullig would end the game by spending her energy on spells so that only Olabra remained.



At October 09, 2007 8:23 AM, Blogger dartax said...

Looks like I had the pictures in the wrong order. Fixed that.

At February 21, 2008 7:48 AM, Blogger Infinitehope said...

hey dar, hope all goes well.
good luck job hunt.
r..i.p. mnd on gnet.

At February 21, 2008 7:50 AM, Blogger Infinitehope said...

lol @ bottom of the blog
"Energize your dreams at CCG Workshop - where dreams live on forever"
or at least untill 2i kills them :p

At March 04, 2008 11:35 AM, Blogger dartax said...

I still dream of playing Magi-Nation.... First I must find gainful employ, family, etc.. Somewhere in there I hope to play again. I do have actual decks and a small collection of cards.


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