Friday, April 27, 2007

A Minor Miscalculation?

I really lost my notes this time. At first I was waiting for Ultradoug to post about our game since it took place just a bit before this one. That wasn't too long. Then, I could not find my notes. Did they end up in the paper shredder by mistake? Garbage? Did a seventeen-month-old little helper find them? I have no idea. What I can tell you is that Levriat told me that they hadn't played Magi-Nation in some time. They had been pleasantly surprised to find an online community still playing. Figuring that I shouldn't go with one of my power decks, I had to think for a bit. Since they were just out of practice and not a total newbie, I figured that my Restricted Weave deck would be a good deck to use. While they did get past Ahdar, Kesia is still a powerhouse. So while I miss my dear, beloved Aritex (didn't make the cut on the Restricted list), Kesia went to town. Even with weave Belted, the Sagaweaves would help her net some extra creature energy by moving it around. In the end, Kesia would finish things off as you can see here.

I am glad that they got past Ahdar. That would've been awful if they hadn't as I didn't want to scare them off from playing us online. While I haven't seen Levriat since, I can only hope that others may have had the chance to play them.



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