Monday, April 02, 2007

Mud In The Sea

We would actually start a second game that same night. However, it would end up taking so very long on just our first two Magi that Pylofuf Boy would have to retire to bed in order to catch their class in the morning. So, although my notes only really cover the opening of the game, what you see in the screen shot is the results of two Magi who just are struggling to eliminate each other. I started again, this time with Baa. With four creatures in my opening hand, including her starting Slarnath and a Trulb, it was a very good start for Baa. Lots of card draw. Now, you would think that with Riptide played in the last game, I would take a deck that wasn't so vulnerable to it. Then again, Baa isn't supposed to last that long and I can play the majority of it out with my second Magi. Unfortunately, Blu would flip for Orothe. With Orlon's Ring, Corf Pearl, Karak Necklace, Crushing Surf, and Surf Diel, he wasn't strong enough to eliminate Baa quickly. Nor was he weak enough for Baa to finish off either. With a roll on the Corf Pearl to add energy to the Surf Diel it would signal a long fierce battle with Baa pushing with all her might. At least once, Riptide cut down the card resources. While Baa could recoup the loss easily enough, there was the issue of getting off Baa to my next Magi. It wasn't happening. Only just before this screen shot did I finally get a Spirit Drain. I wanted to rejoice. I could choose Baa as my target, except Blu's position wasn't strong enough to eliminate all my creatures. Attack with them all I could, but it seemed that I always had at least one creature with at least one energy left afterwards. As it is, I am not sure we'll get a chance to finish this game....



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