Friday, February 02, 2007

Ninja Style

I blogged a while ago about the Creature Card Maker, and invited bored people who wanted to play around with it to creature creatures that could be made into Custom cards. Well, to date, only one person has attempted to do such a thing and Frosty Ninja has posted all his creations on the Custom Card Forum.

There's quite a lot there to have a look at and when looking through the thread again, one can see his progress from the grainy webcam capture near the beginning of the thread to those neat screen captures that he has been doing as of late.

That was one of his Nar dogs. I thought the head was a bit lopsided though so I had to recreate it somewhat to make it less... I dunno, anatomically correct? It's

I might reuse that original Nar creature to create a Bograth Furok instead.

The other cards that caught my eye was his arderial fird:

It looks more like a fird though. So expanding on it a little bit and making sure the colour matches and everything...

It's been changed to Nar because the 2 creature slots in Arderial has been taken up in AoD.

And while making that though, I saw the Bograth wings and couldn't resist making a bograth fird as well...

And the reason for needing a bograth furok becomes clear!

There's still lots of parts and lots of things that can still be done with the creature card maker and I would still like to encourage people to have fun there. Post your creations on the custom card Fan Art page and who knows, it might end up as a custom card!



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