Monday, April 02, 2007

Water In Caves

My apologies on not posting this shortly after the game. With the discussion at the time on Rayje's Belt and Rayje's Sword, I thought it might be fun to use my Underneath deck although I was seriously tempted to go with Bograth instead. With Pylofuf Boy online, I was happy to play a game. It would be ironic that my opening hand would net me not one creature. Four spells and the Tunneler's Boots. A far cry from an ideal opening. With Myka opening up the game, I simply drew my two cards and waited to see what would happen. Pylofuf Boy revealed Brothers of Vengeance to start things off for Orothe. With a Phrup, Barqua's Bubble, and Hubdra's Chest, it was certainly a far better start then my own. Myka would fight hard, however it would a Tidal Wave that would get her creatures and eliminate her. Emaal would be up next. With a Resonate, she eliminated the one energy Orpus in play and played out a Trogovo and Kier. Normally, this draw would setup my Underneath deck quite well. While Emaal would get the Brothers, thus making it nearly Magi for Magi since the Brothers count as two. Quilla flipped and played another Tidal Wave, Corf Pearl, Vault of Knowledge, two Surf Diel, and Riptide. It is not often that I see Riptide played. I had to sort through and choose four cards to keep. It was tough. In the end, I made sure that I had Crushing Fungus and a Resonate at least. Why? Simple. I planned on losing Emaal. Her defeat would eliminate energy from Quilla, and if I had used the crushing spell, there would be no energize either. The screen shot you see is from the following sequence. Without energy, Celebrated Hero merely had to eliminate the surviving Surf Diel and the game ended.



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