Monday, April 30, 2007

Frigid Opposition

Last night I played two games with SilverRaine. When I logged in, I saw a reference to replacing parkas with warmer clothes and such. It didn't show the whole conversation that I had missed, but I did catch a reference to a deck that just needed some minor touches to be real good. So, taking a chance with the parka reference, I decided to play Nar. I really like the Warrior's Boots in my Restricted Nar deck, so that was choice. Turns out that SilverRaine would play Nar too. It was a very humorous game. Thin Ice followed by an opposing Thin Ice. Aegris being attacked and destroyed by an opposing Aegris. The opening game lasted a long time. Velouria went first for SilverRaine. This meant that I would keep the energy left on Balachron at one or less as much as possible to reduce any potential opposing energy gains. Balachron would suffer from all three opposing Crystallize. Real annoying. Still, Balachron managed to sneak past Velouria to face Odavast. Oh, I had to laugh. After some battling, the reason for my laughter was revealed when we ended up with Odavast facing off against Odavast. They struggled against each other for a bit. When Odavast beat Odavast, I saw one of the few differences between our decks for the second time. Spirit of Nar prevented my surviving Odavast from swarming then and there. He would have to wait until after Balachron appeared for the opposition to toss down a mass number of frozen creatures.



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