Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Not Dead In My Heart

When it was announced that Magi-Nation was being taken off gatlingEngine, I was very saddened. I may not have gotten in a game in while, but I was hoping to. Now it has been a little while and I sit here reflecting on all the games I got to play. Ultradoug, Malovis, Novelty, and many others. I got started posting on this blog after Novelty invited me to. My contribution was to write game reports. Not just my tournament games, or playtesting, but any game I got in online. Now my only games of Magi-Nation will be with my own card decks it seems. And yes, I did play Magi-Nation before I found the CCG Workshop.

When I first started playing Magi-Nation, I read strategy tips, deck building, and all sorts of stuff online. Never writing anything in return. Then, I decided I needed to give back to the community. I submitted decks, articles, and game reports to a few of the internet resources I frequented. Not much at first. As time passed I became more active.

Some time ago Magi-Nation disappeared at the local cardshops and I turned to playing online, I met new players. New decks. New strategies. I saw an attempt or two at Grahnna and Pyder combination that I would end up building my own deck around. It was almost a perfect fit my own Bograth decks. I remember using a Furok to beat a Cawh in a single turn, on another occasion it was solitary Giant Carillion that did in a Cawh. And when I played Cald against a Cawh deck,... well that was just a total miscalculation on my part because I was guessing at the rest of the deck's mechanics and ended up overpowering the Cawh deck far, far in excess of what I had anticipated (I had been hoping for a more "even" game). Novelty showed me a mechanic in Sands of d'Resh that I didn't know existed or that it even worked so overwhelmingly (I got crushed). Even a few multiplayer battles.

There is one positive in this. It is easier to focus on job searching with Magi-Nation taken off the list. The only thing still bothering me was what to write as a sort of final blog pending an announcement of good news. Great news would be that Magi-Nation has returned to CCG Workshop. Better news (for me) would be that Magi-Nation is intact as I knew it and has returned to cardshops. The best news would be both, the game is back online and off. I am not holding my breath. I am expecting the game to undergo revisions before being released publicly again, and I have no clue if the property rights owner will consider letting us play the original game online again.


At April 29, 2008 10:41 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Heh, well, keep the flame burning Dartax. Just because the game has gone off CCGW doesn't mean you can't play... and there are things happening underfoot that I'm not at liberty to tell...

At November 18, 2008 2:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heres hoping that some day, Tony and his broken items will come back with Cawh and the like.

At February 12, 2017 9:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Did you manage to save any of the later custom cards? Theyre gone now


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