Thursday, June 29, 2006

Delia Glimpses A Whark

After I had that incomplete game with Cliff_Burton, I played a game with Frosty Ninja. I guess I wanted to play a game from beginning to end since I had wetted my appetite.

I happened to start the off with Delia. Frosty Ninja was testing a recent deck of theirs centered around the Whark and the Lahalou Construct. Tiller started things off for them. Tiller just drew cards. Delia found this a little frustrating. Her swarm was good, but the extra energy she had granted the Vellups just wasn't enough to get Tiller in a single pass. So, after Tiller drew some more cards and Delia got another swing at him, Delia spent all her energy and tossed down the Storm Shield. This presented T'dek with a serious problem. This now made the smallest Vellup a four energy beast that Delia needn't fear sacrificing ramming them into the opposition. T'dek played Rayje's Construct, Collosit, and a Nightmare Construct. Between T'dek's power and all the powers of the construct, it was a good start. However, a simple Abwyn's Gift took out the biggest block and Delia swooped in on the offensive to out T'dek in that one turn. Nahara would have to attempt the recovery. A Whark and Nightmare Construct might not have seemed that great, but Nahara had a Weebo in the discard pile available to copy. So, it was another power start, and Delia would hit hard in response to keep it from getting out of hand. Nahara survived and played out another Whark. Except this time, he would end the turn with no energy. Although Delia was getting a little stretched by now, it was within her grasp to get Nahara if her creatures could just do a little exra damage. Storm Ring and Sandswirl solved that problem for her. Delia ended up winning the game. And, a quick game it was too.



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