Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hiding under a shell?

I did this yesterday actually, immediately after Spore Xyx, but didn't feel like posting it then. Well, it's only here so that I can show it off.

Art, including background, by myself, although having said that I did trace part of the shell from somewhere else. So that's 148 out of 150 cards for Exodus Flight. I feel a bit guilty getting cards done for EF when not all of TW has been added to gEngine. I'll get all TW cards added as soon as possible.

I also want to take the opportunity to point out that the final text for Double Jeopardy is available for comment. I hope everyone would support the promotion set by providing their comments there. I'm also waiting for Malovis to provide me the text for the Shapers. Those are the two things holding up the text for those cards being added to gEngine. Comments everyone can easily do, but as for the latter, only Mitch can provide it so bug him about it!

Remember I'm still on a hiatus and I think people are getting used to the idea that things are gonna move slower since I'm not dedicating every waking minute of my free time devoted to designing the cards. I did say the hiatus only covers EF and onwards, so there's still the following to do:

1. Add Naroom and Weave to gEngine.
2. Finalise the text of Double Jeopardy and add them to gEngine.
3. Hold a Double Jeopardy tournament to select the winner to design the Double Jeopardy card.

And than beyond that there's the following expansions (or promos):

1. Exodus Flight (150 cards)
2. A Cure for all Seasons (4 cards, Promo)
*. Second Chance Base (MRP of Base Set cards)
3. Ancient of Days (100 cards)
4. Ancient Enemy (?? cards, Promo)
*. Second Chance Awake (MRP of Awakening Set cards)
5. Fallen Hour (150 cards)
*. Second Chance DE (MRP of Dream's End Set cards)

* More info about Second Chance can be found on the forums under Second Chance.

When will I start Exodus Flight? That's a good question of which I don't have an answer. I'm on a hiatus though, so I doubt that it would be soon. People have come up to me to ask/beg/request/whatever about scripting text for a region... as I said when we were doing Twilight War, I'll only be recruiting people, and not the other way round. So I hope people won't be coming up to me asking to "help out" with a region.

What should someone do if they do want to "help out" by designing cards? Well, here's a list of the qualities that I'm looking for:

1. Active in the gEngine community. Well, this should be obvious, they show up and play games online on gEngine.
2. Takes part in card design contests. The card design constests are on the forum and they provide me with a good gauge of card design abilities.
3. Write up playtest reports. I find playtest reports interesting as it gives me insight to that person's mind regarding the type of cards he's (or she's) likely to script and produce. Playtest reports also allow me to gauge someone's skill with the game, particularly with combos.
4. Interact with others on the forums and/or blog. This has nothing to do with one's MND skill. It's just an indication for me to take into consideration if I think that person can work well with me, can take criticism, etc.

And just to end, I'm going to list the designers for TW, and if they don't turn me down, the same people will be designing the same regions for EF.

Bograth - Freigabe/Christoph
KT - BobbyDoc/Robert
Naroom - Dartax/Daniel
Nar - Malovis/Mitch
Orothe - Malovis/Mitch
Underneath - godofchoas/Tim



At July 03, 2006 3:54 AM, Blogger Novelty said...

Good idea. "Hiatus" as a card. What will it do? When played by Nov nobody else can win!

At November 27, 2006 6:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

x Hiatus
Universal Spell

For X turns all players energize is cut in half rounded up and may not play custom cards.


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