Friday, December 08, 2006


ThemRockinBones and I played another game the same day. While I posted both these pics shortly after we played (here's hoping this pic holds as I type this since it seemed to want to disappear from the edit window), it would be a while before I took my notes and converted them into the story to go with. Since ThemRockinBones mentioned that they were thinking of making a Nar deck since they rarely saw any play Nar, I thought I could swing out my own Nar deck for the second game. As such, I managed to go first with Balachron. He played out two Mombak and an Ice Arboll to get an initial freeze going. Borse would flip as the first Magi for ThemRockinBones. Borse played Orlon's Ring, Hubdra's Cube and two Orathan. With the offensive from going first, Balachron would punch his two big Mombak into Borse's creatures. It would take a few turns, but it would then be up to Quilla. Quilla would make the stand for Orothe next using Undertow. She played out three relics, one of which was another Orlon's Ring. Orathan and Wellisk would create her defenses. As you might notice in the picture, Balachron had been gaining steam and would end up facing Bria when it was apparent that Quilla lacked the creatures to defend herself. That picture wasn't captured. In essence, Balachron was like an iceberg cutting through the waters of Orothe.



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