Sunday, March 20, 2005

Burn Versus Grow

After getting back from out of town, I got in my first game for the tournament against BlankaSmash. Random starting turn and I managed to start. I opted to run my Naroom deck, a slight modification of the deck from the last tournament. Evil Evu replaces Salafy with a few alterations to the deck. For example, three Wasperines instead of Eebits.

Tiller tossed out modestly well with a few creatures. BlankaSmash flipped over Niffer as their first magi and named Cald for her effect. With her starting two cards, they placed out an impressive wall. Tiller had to dig for some more card choices and ended up taking out the Ayebaw with a full barrage of Naroom flavored burn. With some free energy on the Ember Hyren as creatures attacked, Niffer didn't last long. Garstev flipped over next and took a Boomstick to Ember Hyren. Crushing Roots took the Braggle out. It would be the Flameplate Armor that would buy Garstev some more time to do damage. Now, Tiller did go down in defeat to Good Ol' Ashgar. The Boomstick had returned. Ouch! His effect can be awfully annoying. With Flame Geyser in hand, he waited for a good moment to use it. Evil Evu tossed down real big. I was hoping to bait the geyser. With an Alpine Xamf leading off, there was two furoks and one fird in play. Using a combo with Bythan's Gift and Evu's Bookworm, the Fird ended the turn at nine energy. On my next turn, I would lead off the attacks with Fird. Flame Geyser hit hard. Still, although Good Ol' Ashgar had been doing great up to this point, he took a whopping six energy hit. Both the Furoks would've defeated Ashgar. With the Spirit of Rayje saving him for a moment, it took a final hit by the Alpine Xamf to end the game.


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