Tuesday, March 15, 2005

From Canopy to Exotic

Well, I had some time today, so I thought I'll do the modification to the Ploomb to get the Canopy Ploomb. Pencils should be easy - just trace the Ploomb and modify where necessary. Right. The petals were a pain to draw though, but I think I finally managed to make it look like a buttercup or something like that.

Well, the basic pose is basically the same as that of the Ploomb. I'm not so much of an original artist. Next up - shade the drawing and give it the eyes.

Well, I was going to leave it there, but then I couldn't resist shading a bit here, a bit there and before I knew it I had half of it shaded so I decided I might as well finish shading everything.

Well, doesn't look as good as the original Ploomb, but I guess it can do as a card art. It's way too simple though, but I don't claim to be a good artist. The next step is to get some Holmberg background, merge, blur, throw it together, then do the shadow and voila, finished artwork.

Notice that the Ploomb is on the ground... definately not a Canopy anything, so I renamed it Exotic Ploomb. Modify that image slightly to fit on the card, then template the rest of the card.

So there you have it, art by Nov, background by Holmberg. It's a 4e Jungle stalker that stalks a magi when you play it with its effect - intoxicating aroma - and that's going into playtesting. So there's another TG card finished... I think there's still about 15 more to go. Next up, Jile Snacks. I have no idea how that will be done, and a lot will depend on whatever background I can "borrow" to create that image, but it sure promises to be fun.


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