Friday, March 25, 2005

Core eXodus

Grymm would probably be pleased with these cards. The Core images were of exceptionally better quality than the Cald and Bograth ones, when comparing artists. I had quite a bit of fun transforming them into cards.

Let's start with blitzkreig's (Jeffry Ransom) sole piece in this, the Acid Morgg. The creature was drawn with quite a lot of detail... I wonder if it's copied from somewhere else. Anyways, a background and a showdow completed the piece and the card looks great IMO... or at least better than his other images (Ember Bleph, Fog Crij).

Angetiger (Cody Shipman) also has one piece in core and he does good stuff as usual (Kiradan, Conder and Dion in TG).

Windy (Austin Gardner) has two pieces here and I'm surprised at how good these are when compared with cards like Mud Mantle. The beeb looks like a tracing though.

Scar (Scott Montgomery) finishes off the set with a relic. His background was a bit weird to work with since it shows one of the ends of the glasses going into the water and floating over it... Instead, I took a copy of the grassy part and transformed that into a background. Here's the final product.

So there you have it. The Core versions of eXodus. Some of these might make it into Exodus Flight, the custom set for gEngine. We'll have to see if I can get permission from all the artists. Jeffry has already given me the go ahead to use the text and his images on the engine.


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