Sunday, January 22, 2006

Icicles Collide

Saturday night I managed to get in another tournament game. I think I was online originally to take more notes for writing that Naroom 101 I have started despite my personal fears. By the time the game was done, I had long forgotten why I was online in the first place.

I wish I could convey to you how intense the game was.

Godofchaos started with Halsted. With Crystallize in hand, this would prove a powerful start against my deck which is built with much attacking in mind. Halsted would tear into Balachron. Then it was Odavast who would feel the constant pressure. With Tomorrow's Jewel in play, godofchaos was tearing through their deck for just the right cards. I would end being very grateful for the Furok Protectors when they showed up. With Halsted's high energize rate, that extra energy would be very helpful. Godofchaos was running a solid number of creatures as well. Keeping my creatures as frozen as possible would be very important. Turn after turn that Halsted should've been able to beat Odavast, he would still be standing because of it. My wife looked over my shoulder in the middle of the game and I told her that I was getting thrashed good. Ice Lens would be my friend. Despite Halsted's penalty, I still used my Warrior's Boots and Ice Lens, the only relics in my deck. So, although I didn't have Tomorrow's Jewel sifting through my cards, a nice Ice Lens allowed to build some hand advantage. This would help me take advantage of Odavast's effect, even allowing me to refreeze things with Whiteout when all my arctic creatures had been eliminated already. By the time Odavast escaped the threat Halsted held over him, he was beginning to gain some steam. Laranel would face him next. While her Furok Protector was healthy thanks to Odavast's energize of seven, Odavast pushed the initiative he had gained. Instead paying penalties to her effects, I had Warriors Boots to push the offensive even more. By the time Laranel went, Velouria wasn't much of an issue. Although Odavast never gave Velouria a good chance to use her power, he also rarely had any energy left on him at this point. While in the end I managed to win, it was a very good game. In the mid-game, if you had asked me who was winning, I would've told you godofchaos. They did say after it was done that Odavast's effect was what made things so tough for them. While I was trying to optimize his effect on the offensive, it also provided a great defense that kept me going when godofchaos wanted to finish Odavast's creatures off.



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