Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Twins Retreat

This Wednesday afternoon, I was on gatling Engine and managed to get in a little fun game with birdie21. Perhaps I should feel bad for choosing the deck I did to play against them. At least I did not use the Grahnna deck again. Instead, I used one of my last tournament decks from when Magi-Nation was still played a bit in Utah. My Underneath, messed up, burrow deck.

Birdie21 started first with the Dark Twins. For their starting cards, they pulled Morag's 'Gift' and a creature. Myka started off with my usual five random cards. The first few turns saw two Akkar in play verses a regular supply of Core creatures. Since Birdie21 played the gift spell early on, it was quite common for several turns in a row that each of us would gain an extra four energy or so. The incredibly invulnerable Akkars triggered for being outnumbered by Core creatures, and the twins gaining whenever I played a creature. A single copy of Turn was a regular fear for Myka. Several turns passed without the twins stealing away any creatures. It was surprising when the twins left an Trogovo in play, once while they had enough energy to discard towards its weakness. This did crimp Myka's energize rate though it certainly helped that the deck was built with an energize of four and five in mind. By this time, it was getting hard for me to eliminate my own creatures. Strag's Claws were helping the Underneath creatures tear into the Core defenses. Before Myka finally beat her way through the twins, a Nightmare Hyren used its power on my surviving Akkar. While the tossing and turning was annoying, Myka finally got the twins and rid herself of the Trogovo. I had plenty of cards to choose from at this point. Pruitt flipped over and tossed down The Tomes of the Great Library. With a little research, she Vaporized my four relics in play. Fortunately for me, this was the point in the game where my Digging Goggles finally showed up. On my next turn, I crushed one of Pruitt's creatures and then attacked. This left Pruitt in desperate straights with no creatures in play. I wasn't doing much better, but it was enough. Pruitt played Dark Portents and gained a little energy for the effort. Discarding Granas from my deck hardly mattered at this point, and Myka swung around with her surviving Kier on my last turn to end the game. Birdie21 said that they were getting a bad draw there with all their creatures and not much else. I wonder if they did have a copy or two of the Turns I was fearing frequently in that game, usually when it would've done me the most damage.



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