Sunday, January 15, 2006

Rocks Beating Water

Today I got in a fun game with Tessei. Despite the fact that the declared they would be playing Kybar's Teeth, I went with my Storm of Fishes deck. That particular deck is stronger the more spells my opponent has and weaker the more creatures they use. I was hoping that they would be running something somewhere in the middle.

Tessei went first with Kazm. Cleansing was pulled as their only starter. I am not sure why. The only thing they did with it later was to discard it to the Vopok to conduct an attack. Aula, Mindseeker was my first magi. When she used Hand of the Sky to look at Tessei's hand, I sort of knew things were bad. The only spell in their hand after their first turn was Cleansing and no relics. Creatures! Ouch! Kazm would take out Aula in short order. Voice of the Storm followed suit. I was tempted to actually use Cataclysm with Niffer. It would leave me short on energy, but things were looking bad for me. However, it was early into the game and the only relic Tessei had revealed so far was a Warrior's Boots Kazm used to wipe out Voice of the Storm in one turn. It would turn out that Kazm had another copy of the boots to use in store for me. It would take two turns, the first leaving Niffer with no creatures and only one energy at the end of the turn. We didn't actually finish out Kazm's final turn. Unless Tessei just toyed with Niffer, she was doomed. A good game. A good loss.



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