Friday, May 20, 2005

End of MND @ CCGW?

The interest in MND is dying on gEngine. I wonder if it's going to mark the decline of MND at CCG Workshop. I hope not. Next month will be crunch time it seems. Note that the other two collaborators on this blog hasn't been writing much as well.

Meanwhile, Insiider seems to be growing, which is a good sign. The discussion is far from lifely, but at least there are people posting on a daily basis. If only it could get back to what it was before. Ah, Nostalgia.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Paradwyn and Underneath eXodus

Slim pickings from these two regions. Only 3 cards and not a single creature from underneath.

First up, two of Blitz (Jeffry Ransom) Paradwyn creatures. As usual, he doesn't do backgrounds, so I tacked on two from Holmberg. Note that the Heno has the tail coming out of the box.

Windrider (Austin Gardner) has a dynamite stick for Underneath, but it's not that dynamite looking. I had to tack on a background.

Well, the 2 Paradwyn creatures are borderline in being included in EF.


Saturday, May 14, 2005

Orothe, Weave and Universal eXodus

Well, there's quite a lot of sketches for these 3 regions, but nothing substantial other than these 5 images. As the RPers are fond to remind me, they are writers, not artists (although I'm sure FlameRaven will disagree with them on that).

Orothe only has one coloured image and it's by Angetiger (Cody Shipman). It's a giant prawn with claws. Hmm... OK... I guess that's passable.

Weave has 3 creatures, one of which is by Gwen Bozyk and has already been used for Tainted Glimpses:

The other 2 are by Blitz (Jeffry Ransom), which is rather well done considering that they were done with colour pencils and markers. They lack a background though, so I got two from some of Holmberg's Calendars:

The universal card is a Whyrl image and althoguh Whyrl named the piece "The Gathering", they have used the art for the set's namesake "Exodus":

A very mixed bag. I think the giant prawn and one of the Weave creatures will probably make it into Exodus Flight. The other Weave creature might have a chance if I get the time to do some clean-up on it.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Insiider Trading

So, guess who got the powers to do great things on Insiider? Yup me. Well, the person who nudged everything into place was Stephan really - he's the one who got the ball rolling for the revitalisation of Insiider.

Let's start from the beginning. So drakk2 (that's Stephan) started a thread about revitalising Insiider on Insiider, which caused attention to be focused on the future of Insiider and MND. Stephan and I had quite a few long discussions about that. During one of those discussions, I got sniiper's (aka Jim Wong) AIM contact, and with Stephan's encouragement, I started pestering Jim for the access to add and maintain forums. Well, Jim's nice and all, and I got the access over the weekend. So hence, over the past 24 hours or so, new forums are popping up on Insiider like mushrooms.

Well, new forums are good and all, but there's still the backlog of old posts that needs to be moved back to where they belong. I've been spending most of today doing that, and I think all of this year's posts are categorised into where they should belong. Of course, there's still a few thousand, if not ten thousand posts left to move back to the proper place, all the way from the beginning of Insiider, but that'll slowly move back, I guess.

I also finished the first half or so of Chapter 3 of the War of Insiider. Dawson isn't going to be too happy with me there, but I know Tom will get a chuckle out of being mentioned in WoI. Next up, Vet, then the main storyline dealing with Keirr, DarianMoon and SM Pat. All in one chapter. Fun, Fun, Fun.

Anyways, back to the grind. If anyone wants to check out Insiider Forums, make sure to not say Novelty sent you. You might get pested.


Monday, May 02, 2005

May gEngine MND Events

Keeper's Question #4: Hidden Puzzlebox

HIDDEN PUZZLEBOX is the follow-up to the Keeper's Question series of competition. Keeper's Quest will be a set of 4 promo cards designed specifically for gEngine based around the artwork from the puzzle game of the same name. Now you get to have your chance to design the final card of the series, HIDDEN PUZZLEBOX. The rules is available at Novelty's Custom Cards Forum and entries for the competition should be posted at that same thread. The grand prize winner will get 5 copper tokens and an automatic win for the May's Elder's Legacy tourney being held on gEngine.

Elder's Legacy MND Tournaments

Congratulations again to Malovis for winning April's MND Elder's Legacy tournament. He gets 15 copper tokens for winning the tournament.
May's MND tournament open for sign-ups! Rules and the sign-ups for the next tournament is now open at CCG Workshop Forums. The prize pot for this tournament is also 15 coppers to be given out at the beginning of June.

Tainted Glimpses Playtesting

Playtesting for Tainted Glimpses continues this month on gEngine, with the final two regions scheduled to be added to gEngine during the first half of the month. Tainted Glimpses is a 100-card custom fan-made MND expansion specifically for gEngine. Playtesting is expected to be completed in November 2005. There is also a Playtesters Rewards Program.

gEngine is CCG Workshop's core technology used for playing CCGs online. Besides MND there are about 80 other games being supported at CCGW.
