Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Dark Desert eXodus?

I'm trying to burn (no pun intended) through templating the eXodus cards with coloured images. It seems I'm facing an uphill struggle. Another one just got added today bring up the total to well, more than I can count with my fingers anyways. I suppose it's best I counter with some templating of my own.

First off is Shadowsfall main artist (chaoshyren) Jen Reed's Smog Vahsp. I really like this Vahsp, although I think I botched the background slightly. Oh well.

Jeffry Ransom as head RPG mod Blitz has his usual amount of images, this time a d'Resh creature and relic. I think the staff was a good touch, but really, his talents are wasted with pencils and markers. I'm sure he can do much better with a computer if he puts his mind to it, but I digress...

One person who has been getting better with artwork is Austin Gardner (WindRider - yes, it's Austin, not Alex. Don't ask me why I keep on referring to him as Alex...). Here's an Izmer done with a FlameRaven styled background. It's good to see someone progress with pencils and markers to plain computer shading to something a bit more complex with a background. OK, I'm digressing again...

Talking about FlameRaven, here's one of Beth Zyglowicz's image. Her style is bold, which is slightly different from Holmberg's (and Whryl's), but it works and it says FlameRaven. I had to rename the card though, to get the title to fit.

Well, I'm going to take 3 of the above cards into EF (sorry Jeffry). It's really exciting to see such good custom artwork for MND cards. Next up, KT!



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