Friday, July 28, 2006

A Small Fascination With Furoks

The game I played with BobbyDoc2 with this deck was actually done on the same day as the previous two. We were both cycling through a good number of different decks we had. This time, BobbyDoc2 would start the game with Kazm and his two Baldars. While I was now using my Furok deck, it is fortunate for me that my personal version of a Furok deck only uses the Baby Furok, Furok, and the Firds. This meant that the rest of my creatures were something else. So, Tiller started off with his Vortex of Knowledge and sacrificed the Weeblit to draw plenty of cards. Alpine Xamf would go first, being the same size as the Baldar, it would trigger no energy for Kazm. The Giant Carillion would then have a little extra energy. After Stomping the Giant Baldar and using Tap Roots to shrink the Baldar and grow the Giant Carillion, it looked good for Tiller. Kazm would crush the Alpine Xamf and attack it for free with the Baldar. A very good move. The energy gains of the Xamf does wonders for my decks, which is why I love to use it with the Furoks. Tiller had enough relics in hand to not only use his power to draw cards, but he placed a Robe of Vines into play. Giant Carillion would attack, just barely surviving. With a Furok and Weebo put into play, Tiller went ahead and used the power of the Weebo to restore the Giant Carillion. Kazm would use Warrior's Boots to eliminate the Furok. Again, a very good call. The energy gains of a Furok on the offensive can really fuel a Naroom Magi. This is often how I get Tiller to go so far against opposing decks. Tiller would essentially nudge Kazm with the Weebo after this to defeat him. Ullig came in strong with Warrior's Boots and a Motad. This new Kybar's Teeth creature gained energy fast as Ullig played out Gogor's Spade and several other Kybar's Teeth relics. It was frightening. Tiller would use Bythan's Gift on his next turn to handle the pressure. By the end of his turn, all he had in play to defend himself was a Baby Furok. His other creatures had been lost to attacks. Whether it had been Ulligs impressive offensive, or his own attacks upon her creatures. Vertigo and Ullig's Ring left him in a real energy crunch to play any creatures, which is probably what Tiller would've prefered. Anyways, Ullig would ease off the pressure just a little when the Vertigo expired. So, on his next turn, Tiller would pay the extra for a Giant Carillion to stomp some nasty Kybar's giant. Darge would attack the Giant Carillion as Ullig wasn't going to let Naroom just heal the enemy of Kybar's Teeth. After playing out a Vopok, it was back to Tiller again who was holding on by that same Baby Furok. Tap Roots would make it a little bigger, and opposition just a little smaller. Ullig would find the opening she needed to get through the defense of the Baby Furok and took it. Vopok finished off the Baby Furok and Darge got Tiller. Now, somewhere in there, Tiller had used a Curious Fird. Now, I didn't put that little bit in my notes, so I am not sure where or when that happened. Now, it was time for Salafy to try out some Naroom insanity, or never-ending supply of creatures. The idea was to test just how bad it could be with her effect recurring the Curious Fird and let the Curious Fird salvage the Furoks instead. Well, I would never test that in this game. Something else that had made it into this deck was the Remember Ring. The first Remember Ring would bring back an Alpine Xamf. The second copy would bring back a Gian Carillion, enemy of the Teeth. Salafy would play a number of creatures including one Weebo. I believe she used her effect to get the Weebo from the discard pile back into the hand. As soon as the Giant Carillion was restored, it would stomp out one opposing creature. Ullig responded with Show of Force to eliminate both the Alpine Xamf and the Giant Carillion. Salafy answered with Crushing Roots and was able to attack an undefended Ullig. Krue, Helper, would once again take up the anchor spot for the Teeth. Krue played out another Motad as well as a Stubborn Chogus. Rolling a six on the Chogulith not only boosted the Chogus in play substantially, it also provided a nice way for the Motad to gain some more energy. Bythan's Gift would give Salafy a partial answer to the really big Kybar's Teeth creatures. And from the retrieval of the Furok she had made so big, she found enough energy to play out a Giant Carillion. Stomp was her friend and essentially ended the game.



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