Monday, January 01, 2007

Stealing More Than Core

With the first game being so quick, we went ahead and played a second game. ManiacMadMax was trying to fine tune their deck, so I just switched to one of those two Orothe decks. Aula Mindseeker would start the game for me simply using her power on her starting Typhoon and playing only a Phrup. Warrada would look so much better with her dark blooming. She would play her Ring, an Orok, and Raveled Drush. Unfortunately, the turn ended without it using at least Ravel. This meant that Aula could play a Karak Necklace and use Crushing Surf to steal the Ring, eliminate the Raveled Drush, and net two cards for the theft. She wouldn't be seeing the effect of Warrada's Ring anytime soon as Aula's own power would stop the card draw for the rest of the turn. Warrada would try a couple time to play Tomes of the Great Library, only to suffer from Time Lapse each time which would account for both my Phrup in the deck. Aula would get a Reef Hyren, Hurricane Orish, and Wellisk into play. She also pulled off a Pharan and Spray Narth combo for extra energy. By the time Zet took the field, Aula had gained some steam. It seems that ManiacMadMax doesn't have much experience with Karak Necklace, and so Zet learned a hard lesson as Aula would take her creature back and then play a River Abaquist to steal the Zungg too, since Aula now controlled three relics. Zet wouldn't last long. Morag would take the last stand again. First order of business was to steal away the Karak Necklace so Aula couldn't keep taking her creatures back. Morag begin stealing Aula's creatures and played one of his own, which Aula rebuked with her Reef Hyren. As you can see in the pic, Aula had another Karak Necklace in the hand which would allow her to take her stuff back anyways and essentially ended the game. It seems ManiacMadMax is going to go back to their staple Gia deck. It was a good Gia deck, but I have enjoyed seeing all these fresh decks recently from ManiacMadMax.



At January 01, 2007 7:43 PM, Blogger ManiacMadMax said...

Maniacmadmax- I still can't believe I made that Mistake of not using ravel. Its careless mistakes like that that cost close games. I need to concentrate more. It was a fun game, I love playing your wide Range of decks but I think I'll go back to tweaking Gia-Trug.

P.S.- I hate karak bands


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