Saturday, January 06, 2007

Weave Creature Feature

For those of you who might not know, during the Cald Season of the Magi-Nation League they had a special path one could earn stamps on for playing a deck with all creatures. No relics. No spells. Now, originally, I built an Orothe deck out of all creatures. It was doing well until it went against another deck which was all creatures. When it was exposed that my creature feature had a severe weakness against creature features, I chose to build another one instead. Unfortunately, I never wrote down the list of that Orothe deck. I wish I had. However, I did keep a record of my newer creature feature, including some mods I made after Voice of the Storms to keep it somewhat competitive.

When CapAp offered to play a game, I decided to go with my creature feature deck. Since it has only creatures, and all those from one region, I knew it has some inherit flaws. So, the question would be if CapAp's deck would be able to exploit them. I would end up going first with Ahdar. Yes, a Weave creature feature. Ahdar would play Uwamar, Grass Etiki, Drowl, and Sagaweave. Being a creature feature, I would never run out of creatures for my Uwamars. Well, CapAp would reveal Emlob as his first Magi. I would end up reminding CapAp of some effects going on with his Magi and creatures. It sort of showed that he doesn't have much practice with Bograth yet. Emlob would end up playing a Quido Swarm, Zungg, Treepsh, and Mist Hyren on that first turn. While I would make a full range of attacks whenever I could, my first clue that I wasn't facing another creature feature was a Dream Balm that restored the Mist Hyren a couple turns into the game. Of course, I lost my first Uwamar early on, but when I played another and started using some of the Aritex combo, CapAp declared it a good game. Apparently, these energy tricks I was using to help keep my creature feature competitive were more than his deck could handle and he knew it. I had been snapping screen shots, except my last screen capture happened to be just as CapAp was logging out of the game. Oh well. Too slow on my key strokes and I chose not to save the pic of only myself in the game.

P.S. If you want to play against this creature feature I have, just let me know.



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