Water And Trees Collide
Again, I played CapAp and went first. This time Keelie would use her Nocturne to fetch an Alpine Xamf. With a Weebo and Eebit, she had a good start. Bria would face off against her, fetching a Cloud Sceptre and Orathan Amulet. She played out two Orathans and a Weethan opposite Keelie's forces. Alpine Xamf would attack the Weethan. I certainly didn't want to suffer from impede. This isn't one of my Tiller decks that draws enough to handle it. The Eebit would soften up one of the Orathans. Keelie would play the Eebit back out with a Giant Carillion to stomp the larger Orathan. Orwin's Ring would get the Eebit and the Giant Carillion out of easy target range for the Orathan in play. Orathan would attack the Alpine Xamf. This setup a steal by an Abaquist grown with Submerge. Not wanting to miss out on the benefits of the Alpine Xamf, I would attack it and use Remember Ring to restore it to my side of the field. In the process, Bria was defeated. Blu would take the field next. He would play out an Orathan and Orathan Flyer, along with Orpus and Submerge. Now Keelie would resort to Bythan's Gift and sacrificing her Giant Carillion. However, she got both Orathans and played out a Furok. Undertow would send her Furok away. Keelie answered this with her Eebit and Tap Roots to defeat Blu. Not exactly a power move, but it did the job. Now Quilla would take to the field. She played out Barqua's Bubble and the Orathan Amulet. With another Orathan and Orathan Flyer, things weren't looking to keen for a spent Keelie. However, she would take her best shot with the Eebit and play it back out once again. Submerge would do wonders for Orothe, and Crushing Surf would end the Eebit games. Quilla essentially tapped Keelie. She would play out a Weethan and await the next Naroom Magi. Salafy would stand up next. She put in a valiant effort to prepare to battle Quilla. A Relic Stalker would take out Barqua's Bubble. Alpine Xamf and Furok would become her defenses, and Tap Roots would eliminate the Weethan. Barqua's Bubble would appear again, apparently Quilla had one in reserve, and Quilla demostrated the power of her high energize rate by play Tidal Wave for ten energy. Salafy was defeated. Now, it was up to T'dek. He would have to be cunning to deal with Quilla. He played two Giant Carillion to stomp at the Orathans. His efforts to use Crushing Roots was stopped by the Bubble, but he did get both Orathans by using those two Giant Carillions. Since he had used Remember Ring and his power for one of them, T'dek ended the turn with just five energy in play. One on himself and two on each of his creatures. Quilla would play out a Weethan to defend herself. With another crushing spell in hand, the Weethan was eliminated and CapAp declared "gg." It seems CapAp was trying to build their own Orathan deck. Probably not up to par with another person's deck that I can think of, it was still nice to see someone else giving that creature theme a go. I wonder if CapAp will getting it working to the point that they "shelf" the deck as well because it is just too strong.
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